less than 1 minute read

What I Learned


  • How to add category, tags to my blog
  • How to add table of contents to my blog

DSA in Python

  • Some standard data types of Python:
  • Numbers (int, float, long, complex)…
  • String –>
  • Some built-in functions regarding String: .strip() ~ .trim(), .count(“”)
  • List “[ ]”
  • Tuple “( )” –> immutable list, but slightly more efficient
  • Dictionary “[key : value, …]”
  • Set


  • What is parameter?
  • M = number of training examples
  • X = inputs = features = attributes
  • Y = outputs = target variable
  • N = number of features in our training sample
  • What is Gradient Descent?
  • Batch Gradient Descent vs Stochastic Gradient Descent?
  • What is normal equation and how do you derive normal equation?